Cottage Garden

This was a fun project on a cool lot. The lot was covered in a collection of unique specimen trees and it is rumored that a forester used to live there. My clients acquired the property from a flipper and it looked like a flipper yard. There were a few scraggly shrubs thrown in some pine straw out front and the rest was an overgrown mess. The main goals of the project were to create a cute cottage-style garden that softened the large addition on the house and to create privacy on the front porch to sit and enjoy the garden. The driveway was installed in a way that detracted from the landscape so we installed viburnums and azaleas around the parking as well as allowed the magnolia to grow down in the front to meet the azaleas. The Japanese maple by the porch hides the parking from the porch creating a nice garden experience in a tight utilitarian space. The side of the front was also filled with evergreen shrubs to block the view of the neighboring property. Around back, we installed a large parterre garden with blueberries, muscadines and vegetable beds. The client worked with us doing the installation which gave us a lot of insights into his vision and gave him an appreciation for the work that goes into a landscaping project.


Brunswick Ave Holden Beach North Carolina


Yonah Ave Athens Georgia